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SAN DIEGO WOMAN MAGAZINE, 1985/87. Readership: 50,000. Padres Bachelors, 1985. My article featured the bachelors at the then Yuma Training Camp, including Lance McCullers, John Kruk and an exclusive interview with Steve Garvey (amidst the controversy at the time as to his marital status with Cyndy). Pink Collar Journalism, 1987. This was an article I co-wrote based on the findings of the University of Maryland, School of Journalism and their decades long study of alumni who were out in the journalistic workforce. It focused on the role women were playing in the newsroom, labeling it "Pink Collar Journalism". Their conclusions said that women were dominating the workplace, but at a price: they were willing to settle for less pay for these coveted journalistic jobs.
THIS IS A RECENT COVER FOR SAN DIEGO WOMAN MAGAZINE TODAY. (Judith A. Habert, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief) at